Join us Sunday 10:30 AM  & 

Thursday Bible Study at 7PM

What We Believe

  1. We believe in The Virgin Birth of Jesus, Born of the Virgin Mary.
  2. We believe Jesus was born, died on the cross for humanities sin's, was resurrected on the third day and is now alive on His throne in heaven.
  3. We believe in The Deity of Jesus. He was fully Man and fully God.
  4. We believe the word of God is Inerrant, without a fault, perfect 100% true and written by the Holy Spirit by Men inspired by the Holy Spirit. The bible is the living active, powerful word of God; to instruct the saints and teach sinners the way to salvation, which is by faith alone and not by works.
  5. We believe in the ongoing sanctification by The Holy Spirit that continues until we are with our Lord.
  6. We believe that salvation comes by faith in Jesus alone and that there is no other name by which man can be saved.
  7. We believe there are two sacraments the Church is to practice, water baptism by an immersion and the taking of the Holy Communion which is a symbol of the body and shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  8. We believe that Jesus is the Head of the Church and that the body of Christ is made up solely of truly born again believers.
  9. As a full Gospel Church we believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are active today and that God still heals the body and mind as He so chooses, for He alone is sovereign.
  10. As we believe that Jesus is the Head of the Church and He gave us of His Spirit to lead and guide us into all truths,.we so believe then that He is able and will by His Spirit lead us in our giving to take care of His local Church. So we believe that each one should give as he may prosper and as he has purposed in his heart for God loves a cheerful giver.
  11. We believe in the second coming of Christ Jesus and that He will return for a Church without spot or wrinkle.
  12. We believe that every person will stand in judgment at the end times either at the Judgment Seat of Christ or the Great White Throne Judgment and that everyone will have an eternal destination - some to eternal life and others to eternal damnation.  We believe that there is a literal heaven and hell.
  13. We believe in the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.